客席指揮 / 指導

馬克・摹雍 Marc Mauillon


2004年畢業於巴黎音樂學院,師事佩姬布佛瑞,2002就入選古樂大師克里斯蒂的繁盛藝術古樂團Les Arts Florissants,2010年榮獲法國傑出新人獎,之後漸漸專注於演唱巴洛克歌劇,包括英國普賽爾,以及布洛,法國的盧利以及拉摩,義大利的卡瓦利的男主角《艾吉斯多》等。2012年他更拉摩歌劇《伊波與雅麗希》首度榮登法國歌劇最高殿堂巴黎加尼爾歌劇院。

摹雍還特別鑽研文藝復興大師馬修的音樂,成果展現在三張錄音,均為樂評所高度揚。此外他持續探討與古樂,長期與古樂大師薩瓦Jordi Sava及古樂團法蘭西風、憶合作。他才華洋溢,橫跨古代與現代音樂,游刃有餘:一方面演出莫特兩個著名的男中音腳色,《魔笛》帕帕基諾,與《女人皆如此》谷耶摩,展現喜劇與戲劇的重表演才能;另方面又在當代音樂著墨甚深,史特斯拉諾最近的新歌劇《沙查法茲》中的角色饒利多就是由他創造。


The exploration of the relationship between words and music is at the heart of Marc Mauillon's artistic approach. Exceptional vocal means have given him the possibility of taking on both baritone and tenor repertories, an immediately recognisable timbre, he puts his sense of colour and of diction at the service of his insatiable curiosity.

From Guillaume de Machaut to contemporary repertoire, from opera to recital, his career history is a reflection of an out of the ordinary eclecticism. His encounter with William Christie as part of the Jardin des Voix (2002), then with Jordi Savall, at first opened up for him a magnificent field of exploration of early music, which he later expanded.

Passionate about chamber music, he performs in particular with Pierre Hamon, Angélique Mauillon, Guillaume Coppola, Anne Le Bozec, Vivabiancaluna Biffi, Myriam Rignol, Marouan Mankar and Thibaut Roussel, adapting the art of singing to suit the music, the repertoires and the characters that his voice portrays.

In addition to numerous opera broadcasts, Marc Mauillon has made three recordings of secular music by Machaut, to which must be added a collection of melodies by Francis Poulenc on poems by Paul Éluard, two recordings on First World War musicians, a recording of Florentine monodies by Jacopo Peri and Giulio Caccini and a solo a cappella recital. Regularly praised by the critics, this discography is an assertion of his choices.




陳雲紅 Yun-Hung Chen



榮獲德國的國際合唱名人錄「Who is Who in Choral Music, 2007」

她曾多次帶領合唱團於歐洲各地參加國際合唱比賽與演出,並獲得多項殊榮及肯定。2006年帶領台北室內合唱團赴匈牙利參加「巴爾托克國際合唱大賽」勇奪總冠軍,她個人榮獲最佳指揮獎。2005年她指揮台北室內合唱團於德國「布拉姆斯國際合唱大賽」中榮獲金牌冠軍,個人也獲得最佳指揮獎。2002年帶領台北世紀合唱團赴愛沙尼亞參加「巴倫國際合唱音樂節」,榮獲無伴奏民謠組比賽冠軍。1997年她指揮台北世紀合唱團於義大利「國際合唱比賽C. A. Seghizzi」榮獲總冠軍,她個人則囊括「最佳布拉姆斯音樂詮釋」及「最佳指揮」獎。自2007年至今,她更時常受邀於國際合唱比賽擔任評審,並擔任國際工作坊講師。接軌國際,是她展望世界觀的重要使命。

秉持熱愛合唱的理想,陳雲紅於2000年與一群朋友創立了「台灣合唱音樂中心」以落實台灣合唱教育的推廣。她秉持著「創新 分享 服務」的精神,落實永恆無私的全球合唱理念。基於對現代合唱音樂的獨特興趣,她致力於委託當代華人作曲家創作現代合唱作品,並定期與台北室內合唱團舉辦「合唱無設限——現代作品」音樂會。2010年,她與台北室內合唱團所錄製的《當代狂潮》當代合唱作品CD,榮獲第21屆金曲獎傳統藝術類別的最佳演唱獎。2015年,她與台北室內合唱團所錄製的《寂靜之聲》合唱CD榮獲第26屆金曲獎傳統藝術類別的最佳製作人與最佳指揮詮釋獎。2018年,她與台北室內合唱團所錄製的《破繭與重生》合唱CD入圍第29屆金曲獎傳統藝術類別的最佳藝術音樂專輯獎,最佳演唱詮釋獎與最佳指揮詮釋獎。2019年,她與台北室內合唱團所錄製的《大地之歌》合唱CD入圍第30屆金曲獎傳統藝術類別的最佳演唱獎。2021年,她與台北室內合唱團所錄製的《䪩》合唱CD榮獲第32屆金曲獎傳統藝術類別的最佳製作人獎與最佳演唱獎。陳雲紅對於台灣合唱音樂的貢獻,備受國內音樂學術界肯定,並於2020年獲選東吳大學第五屆傑出校友。





鮑恆毅 Heng-Yi Pao


2019 年波蘭國際合唱指揮大賽首獎,同年獲羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特交響樂團指揮大賽特別獎、斯洛維尼亞國際合唱指揮大賽亞軍。為臺灣首位在合唱與管絃樂領域皆有獲獎肯定的指揮。

常年任 Klagenfurt 歌劇院、維也納少年合唱團前音樂總監 Peter Marschik 助理。2020 年於維也納人民歌劇院任助理指揮,協助排練《魔笛》、《卡門》,2021 年於德國萊茵歌劇院任 Marie Jacquot 之助理指揮。



Heng-Yi Pao, born in Taiwan in 1991, began his musical education as an oboist and singer. He studied Orchestral Conducting and Choral Conducting at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna.

Heng-Yi Pao has won prizes at several international competitions. He won the 1st Prize at International Conducting Competition "Towards Polyphony" in Wrocław, Poland. He was awarded a special prize at the International Competition of the Bucharest Symphony Orchestra. Pao won 2nd Prize at the International Competition for Choral Conducting in Slovenia. Heng-Yi Pao is the first Taiwanese to win 1st Prize at international choral conducting competition and the first conductor in Taiwan to win prizes in both orchestral and choral conducting competitions.

Heng-Yi Pao assisted Peter Marschik in several opera productions at the Schlosstheater Schönbrunn, including Tchaikovsky's "Eugene Onegin", Rossini's "Il barbiere di Siviglia". In 2020 Pao assisted the conductor Anja Bihlmaier at the Vienna Volksoper with Mozart's "Magic Flute" and Bizet's "Carmen". In 2021 he assisted Marie Jacquot at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein with Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker".

Pao is Conductor's Assistant of National Symphony Orchestra, Taiwan (Taiwan Philharmonic), Conductor of Bratsche Junior Camerata, Adjunct Assistant Professor at the National Kaohsiung Normal University.